Spexi news

Next Steps for Spexi Pilots 2024 Expansion

Pilots, start your props!!

Spexi is preparing to launch the next phase of expansion. The Private Waitlist Beta.

Hundreds of new pilots have joined our community and are ready to start capturing Spexigons. It’s not too late to join, but there are a couple of steps to get ready before your drones take to the sky!

Cash rewards are up for grabs in this next phase of expansion!  With over 25,000 available Spexigons in BC and the US.

Step 1: Join the Spexi Discord

Join the Spexi Discord by signing up here.

On Monday, April 8th, pilots in the Spexi Discord will be able to submit their pilot details in order to enter the exclusive Pilots Lounge area of Discord.

Step 2: Submit your details

In the Pilots Lounge, Spexi will provide access to the new and improved Spexi web application, where you can verify payment details so that you can start the FLY-TO-EARN process.

Step 3: Verify your payment details

Once we have our first group of pilots verified, you’ll receive a private link to download the mobile app and start flying. We’ll be lighting up over 20,000 Spexigons across BC for rewards.


Capture as many Spexigons as you can and submit the imagery for rewards!

To learn more about Spexi